So a little about me...
My names Lauren Blackman, I'm never good at writing things about myself but i shall try.. I'm currently doing a National Diploma in Fashion and Clothing at Matthew Boulton College. I've been passionate about fashion from as long as i can remember, and have always reveled at the idea of dressing up everyday.

Over the years i have considered different professions but i always came back to fashion! and i realized there's nothing else that i enjoy more than fashion and art.

My aim is to really improve my designing and dressmaking skills so that i can then progress onto setting up my own bespoke clothing business. I don't strive to be the next Vivienne Westwood or something but i would like to do something that I'm passionate about and that makes me happy.

I want to use this blog as a way of putting across things that interest me and inspire me and also a way of documenting my work but also to possibly inspire someone else.

Ramble over!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Fashion against fur.

For yellow week we have been given the opportunity to make a difference to the lives many animals in the form of a design competition. We will be producing a campaign poster and 60 second animation which depicts the harsh reality of fur factory farms.

This campaign is aimed at potential buyers and buyers of fur. It should inform them of the conditions in which these animals are kept and what is really entailed in making a frivolous fashion item.

I think this is a very important task because the public's eyes really need to be opened to the harsh realities of fur factory farms. From having looked at some shocking footage of various animals being skinned alive and thrown about as if they were objects, I was completely gripped with sadness and with the level of cruelty shown to these vulnerable animals.
                                                    Could you condone this by buying fur?

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